Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Been a while

This was a draft I started in May 2008

The harsh reality of life right now is that I have to work within the system I want to leave to facilitate my escape from it, so it's been a while since I've had the time or inclination to write.

Expanding on the fifth point of my previous post, that we are not above the world around us, there is a particular conceit among many cultures that the ability to destroy something gives one power over it. This is, in fact, true: we hold the power of life and death over much of the world in a way that most of the other animals that inhabit it do not. I don't think it's possible that we could permanently erase all life on earth without a concerted effort, it certainly is conceivable. There was a time when man, collectively, feared the wilderness. That the cities were bastions that kept that which we feared at bay. Now the wilderness is something that has been conquered. There are few natural events that give us much pause. We can now reasonably build structures that the mightiest hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes can't do significant damage to.